Software update

Flashing a new Raspberry Pi image

1. Access microSD card

To access microSD card from your Rover, open the main electronics box by unscrewing the 4 socket-headed screws and extract the card from the SD card slot on the Raspberry Pi.

Put the microSD card in the adapter and then connect it to your computer.

2. Download the newest LeoOS image

You can find all releases of LeoOS here. Choose the newest one and download the image (.img.xz file) you want. We recommend the full version. The lite version comes without a desktop environment, so it is an alternative if you don't need all the extra packages.

3. Flash image to microSD card

Using Etcher

Open Etcher and point it to your new SD card image location (.img or .img.xz file) via Select image .

Click Select drive option and choose your card, then click Flash!.

After the flashing completes, disconnect the card and put it back into the Rover.

Using command-line tools

If you are using Linux or Mac, you can use xz and dd tools to copy compressed image file into your card like this:

xz -d -c [IMAGE_FILE] | sudo dd of=[SD_CARD_DEVICE] bs=4M status=progress && sync

example usage:

xz -d -c LeoOS-0.1-2020-06-29-full.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M status=progress && sync

dd can be dangerous to your system as it can wipe your data if used incorrectly. If you are not sure your [SD_CARD_DEVICE] is correct, we suggest using Etcher instead.

Updating software

To download newest versions of system packages and ROS packages (including leo_bringup and leo_ui), connect to the Rover via SSH:

make sure you are connected to the Internet:

and type the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Last updated